
Sunburst Consulting is an Inuit owned training and Facilitation Company that provides frontline training to various federal, territorial and municipal governments. Our focus as an organization has been to help people and organizations build bridges to greater understanding and to ensure that we can overcome differences together through mutual education and awareness. 

Sunburst has worked with a variety of organizations in the public and private sectors providing Inuit Cultural Competency Training.

Our flagship one day awareness training is called:

“Inuit in Canada: From dog teams to the Internet; Resiliency and Change”

The course is on a variety of topics such as:

Here is what some of our customers had to say about us!

“Excellent speaker, wonderful stories. Also, very good reference material. I appreciated the wide variety of information”

“One of the best courses I’ve ever taken. Congratulations! - Great job!”

“I really enjoyed this course. It has opened my eyes to the issues affecting the Inuit People of Canada. Over all, a fantastic presentation”

We work closely with our clients to fine tune and tailor our training to meet client’s needs on specialized topics that will empower staff and organizations to learn how to work with Inuit in the North or South.

Sunburst has provided a host of workshops, programs and training opportunities to various departments such as: Health Canada; Statistics Canada; Natural Resources Canada; Canada Council for the Arts; Public Health Agency of Canada; and, Library and Archives Canada. Sunburst Consulting has worked with the Department of National Defence previously with respect to delivery of the Inuit component of the “Raven Program” in British Columbia from 2009 – 2011.

Some of the urban centres such as Ottawa, Montreal and Winnipeg have higher Inuit populations than in the North and therefore some city/provincial services struggle with developing programming that meets this population’s needs.

Sunburst Consulting also provides services in the area of proposal writing to access funding for organizations and communities. We design cultural programming and provide support for the implementation of the program. We can support organizations to facilitate meetings with stakeholders.

Recent Activities

Qauyisaq (Kowesa) Etitiq

Sunburst Consulting
4050 Dunning Rd.
Navan, ON
K4B 1J1

613.601.5935 (mobile)


Qauyisaq Etitiq is originally from Iqaluit, Nunavut and is one of the owners of Sunburst Consulting which specializes in providing cultural competency training and awareness to governments, non-profit organizations and private companies. He also coordinates cultural events and enjoys developing funding proposals, designing cultural programming and sustainability strategies.

Qauyisaq has a Bachelor of Arts degree with a concentration in Sociology and a minor in Aboriginal studies from Carleton University as well as a Media Communications certificate from Nunavut Arctic College. Prior to working as a private contractor he was employed with different Inuit organizations as a policy advisor for many years. His work history has been primarily with land claimant groups such as Nunavut Tunngavik Inc and National Aboriginal Organizations such as Inuit Tapariit Kanatami and Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada. He has also managed communities as a Senior Administrative Officer in the Northwest Territories and Nunavut.